Nothing about us here.
Please stop what you are doing and pray for Stellan and his family. I don't personally know them, but I feel like I do. I've followed his Momma's blog for a while now. Stellan is suffering with severe heart problems that were diagnosed before he was even born. What his family had thought had gone away when he was born decided to make its appearance when he was only 4 months old. He spent 2 months in the hospital at the time and underwent heart surgery to try and repair his little heart. Since then he has been back in the hospital once and back home but now this time he is not looking good. Please take a moment to pray for him and his family. Before Keira was born I had a hard time imagining what his Momma must be going through, but now its even different. It makes me so thankful that God gave me a sweet, healthy baby.
Also, please take a moment to pray for the Guerrero family. I worked with Estella (Mrs G) while I was at Houston Elementary. She was diagnosed with leukemia about a year and a half ago and lost that battle last night. She was an amazing woman who loved her family, friends, job, and life. Heaven is lucky to have her.
Pray for Stellan and his family, pray for the Guerrero family, kiss your babies, and be grateful for every moment. You never know how long those moments will last.
9 months ago
Missing my babies something fierce today.....makes you wonder why things happen. Sorry about Mrs G. Kiss Kiwi for me.
Still praying for Stellan....Loved finding your blog...
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