This is what my sweet girl does when she doesn't feel good.
She chews on her paci and holds her burpy tight. Well in between fussing she chews on her paci and holds her burpy tight.
I should have known that she wasn't feeling good when she slept for 10 hours Thursday night. She woke up Friday and ate a full bottle and then threw it all up... twice. After more clothing changes than one could possibly want, for both of us, she fell back asleep for the first of many cat naps. This went on for the majority of the day with a fever going up to 101. Low grade they say for a baby. Still too high for me. I kept her dosed up on baby tylenol to help keep it as low as possible. I put her to bed around 10:30 with hopes that she would be feeling better this morning. She woke up at 5:00 this morning, still not feeling well. Her fever is lower, but still hanging around.
So this is what she does today; she chews her paci and holds her burpy tight.
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