Okay, now that it has happened several days in a row I feel like I can tell people about it. Keira's sleeping has GREATLY improved over the last week. She has jumped from sleeping in 2-3 hour stretches to sleeping through the night. It is MARVELOUS! Here's how it all has gone...
Last Thursday, Keira was SO fussy. Wasn't eating much and cried for the most of the day. Friday I noticed that her mouth was completely white and she had white spots in her cheeks. I called the Pediatrician and got her in that afternoon and got her medicine, which smells terrible by the way. I feel bad for her. This also started the bottle feeding. I decided that it would be best to give her and I some heal time while she was on the meds and just pump and feed her with the bottles. Friday night she was up every four hours.
Saturday we went to visit the Lemley clan. We played with cousins Nathan and Madelyn, hung out with Aunt Nana and Uncle Aaron, and went to Hobby Lobby. We were busy. We got home and went for a walk around 830 then took a bath (which she LOVES), got swaddled up, and had a bottle and fell asleep around 10:00 in the swing. She stayed there until 4:00. Longest stretch ever at that point. She ate and then went back to sleep in her pack n play until 8:00.
Sunday we tried to stay busy again. I started noticing that she was eating about every three hours on the dot. We went up to my school and took a walk again in the evening followed by a bath, swaddle, and bottle. Fell asleep in her bed around 10:00 and slept until 3:30, ate then slept until 7:00.
Monday we went to a jewelry party in the evening and then followed the nightly routine. She fell asleep around 10:30 and slept until 6:00. EIGHT HOURS STRAIGHT!!! Woo hoo!!
Tuesday, we all went to Target and followed the routine . Again she slept another eight hours straight in her own bed.
Wednesday she didn't get out of the house because Grandma was here watching her while Stephen and I went and had an "us" day. She slept from 10-4 and then from 4:30-8:00.
Yesterday we went to Austin to pick up some paper work. We went for our walk, had a bath, and followed the rest of our new routine. She fell asleep around 10:30 and slept until 7:00.
I'm wondering if its the bottle feeding, the new eating schedule, the medicine, or the routine that has us going so good. I'm afraid to stop bottle feeding her now!! I told myself that we would start nursing again today, but we are taking pictures this afternoon and I want her as "on schedule" as possible. Same with tomorrow. So I guess Sunday we will start nursing again.
So that's her new thing. Today we are taking her 2 month pictures at 4:30. Hopefully she is in a good mood!! I cant believe she will be 2 months old tomorrow! Time has flown by!
9 months ago
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