Well this week has just about been "survived". Let me tell you it was a very trying week.
I have been so tired at school! It is getting to that point in the year that a normal non-preggo teacher would be about ready to throw in the towel. I currently am about ready to throw in the towel and the blanket and the bathrobe and the... I think you get the point. I absolutely love these kiddos, they have really stolen my heart, but the tiredness makes it hard to get through the day!! Thank goodness they are a sweet bunch! This week we had a visit from the Austin-American Statesman, an Easter Egg Hunt, (both on Wednesday and both on only 2 hours of sleep for me) and today Field Day. Let's just say I am VERY thankful it is a three-day weekend!! I plan on sleeping for the majority of tomorrow!
I have "OFFICIALLY" become uncomfortable. All the time. Poor Stephen doesn't know what to do with me and therefore does nothing! I know he is tired of the whining, but honestly I am tired of everything! :) I made 30 Easter invitations for Stephen's work on Sunday and am still sore from sitting on our hard floor for 8 hours straight. Only when you are pregnant can you get sore from sitting all day. Nice right?
Miss Madelyn is home and the family is doing great! She is already back up to her birth weight and is eating like a champ! I talked to Delana yesterday and she said that Maddie was asleep in her bouncer all pinked out. I am so glad that sister has her sweet baby girl at home safe and sound. I cannot wait to see her again! Nathan it adjusting really well. He is very concerned about his baby, is she sleeping, why is she crying, and showing her off. I am so proud of him and how he loves his Cheeto/Thumbelina/Sissy (all valid nicknames at this point).
At home, we are still working on finishing up Keira's room. Sadly, we haven't gotten anything done in there recently. We still need to hang curtains and curtain rods, put up the wall flowers, and finish her closet. As we get closer and closer to her due date we really need to finish these things up! We still need to put her car seat in the car and finish getting her pack and play set up. There are a few thigns that I still need to get before she comes home, but I might be getting some of these at my next showers. We'll have to wait and see. My work shower is next Tuesday and we have a couples shower on that Saturday.
Today we go to the doctor for my last 2-week-apart appointment. After this one I will go in weekly until she gets here. Today we will have our final ultrasound. We haven't seen her since December, so I am anxious to see how big she is and how she has changed. Stephen is anxious to make sure she hasn't grown an extra limb! :) He does have a valid point though! My doctor will also begin checking to see my progression this week and I am anxious to find that out as well. It would be nice to know that the crazy pains I have been feeling have been for a purpose; but not too big of a purpose! She CANNOT come before May!!
It is crazy to think we are at this point. I know that everyone always says that "it seems like just yesterday", but honestly it does. It is so crazy to think that we are less than a month from meeting our baby girl. I still feels like Stephen and I just met, like we just got married; and now here we are about to become a family. About to become a three and not a two! I am so excited and so nervous all in one. I have waited for this moment all my life and now here it is. I am so thankful that I have been able to "enjoy" this pregancy without any issues and will be extremely grateful when she gets here safe and sound.
Well thats about it! I will be updating again soon with pictures from our ultrasound and maybe even a belly pic. I feel like I have gotten huge, so it will be neat to see the change from the last one I took! Hope you all have a great Easter!
9 months ago
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