Well Little Miss passed her second test with a perfect score again! I am SO proud of her! And there are more reasons to be proud... let's just say she has added some weight! Almost a full pound of weight! They are estimating her to be 6 POUNDS 2 OUNCES now! Yes you read that right! She went from being in the 5th to 10th percentile to the 21st percentile in two weeks! Yeah for her! In the ultrasound she still had her hand in front of her face. I guess that's just how she wants to be. She was practice breathing, heartbeat in the 120s, moving around a lot, and even blinking! Too cute. And it looks like the rest of her head is catching up to her cheeks! :)
I still haven't changed much from two weeks ago though. Which is a good thing when you are trying to save as many sick days as possible! We went ahead and scheduled an induction date of May 8th if she doesn't come before that. My doctor really doesn't think that I will go into labor before then, but we'll see. Crazy thought that by this time two weeks from now I will probably be holding my daughter!! Wow!
The plans for the weekend include going up to school tomorrow and hopefully finishing up my stuff for Maternity Leave and getting my classroom more organized. Sunday I plan on cleaning house so that it is visitor ready, doing some laundry, and packing my hospital bag (along with Keira's and Stephen's). Also somewhere in there I need to get a pedicure. I refuse to welcome my daughter to the world with ugly toes! HA!
We only have a few more things to get ready here. We put her car seat in Stephen's car Wednesday so it is all set. We still need to get a boppy, sheets for her pack-n-play, and a few more bottles. Other than that we seems to be ready. Just have to get the bags packed!!
9 months ago
I knew she could do it!!!!! May 8 sounds like a pefect birthday (although 5/2 would be really cool!) Keep growing missy!
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