Last week Little Miss raked it in! We had three, yes THREE showers last week!
On Tuesday, I had my work shower where she got a lot of SUPER cute clothes, diapers, baby wash, wipes, and Target Gift Cards. The cake was adorable, the flowers beautiful, and food delicious! My Kinder team threw such a beautiful shower! I am so thankful that I have had the opportunity to work with such amazing women!
Friday, I had a surprise baby shower from my Kiddos and their Parents. I had been clued in by one of my kids a few weeks ago, but I thought it would be this Friday. Boy was I surprised when the gifts started rolling in! We enjoyed pink cupcakes and juice and the kids really got a kick out of watching me open the gifts. She got a lot of clothes (mostly pink and brown!), toys, and some great necessities that we had registered for! I know I said it about my coworkers, but I really feel like I have been blessed with such an amazing class and super sweet, caring parents. They really went out of their way to show me they care.
Saturday, we had a couples shower in Katy. Our friends Daniel, Kelly, Patrick, and Tiffany hosted the event. I have never been a huge fan of couples showers, but I am really glad that Stephen got to participate in a shower. I think he was starting to feel left out! He was such a good sport with all the games! He drank beer from a baby bottle, sniffed melted candy in diapers, and matched my belly size almost perfectly without even measuring! Way to go boy! Keira got some more adorable outifts, diapers, and much needed items off our registry.
Now I have the great task of writing Thank-You notes! I have finished the ones from my work shower and surprise shower, so I only have the couples shower left! They WILL be done by the end of the week! Along with that, I have to organize all her new stuff! Her room was COVERED with gifts! Its hard to get anything done in there 'cause all I want to do is stare at al the cute clothes!
This week I am working like crazy getting my classroom ready for my Maternity Leave. If she comes on her due date, I only have 9 more days of work! I have oodles to do still!! So if you don't hear from me, its because I'm up to my elbows in Insects, Ocean, and Summer Fun Units! Eeee!! We also go to the San Antonio Zoo Thursday, so that should be interesting!
I am officially 38 weeks pregnant today. My next visit will be on Friday at 4:00, I'll get another look at her and we'll see how much she is estimated to weigh. Hopefully she's put on some weight! Keep thinking grow thoughts!
9 months ago
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