35 to go!!!
My first week of school is officially over! And thank God its a three day weekend! I need the sleep; I am exhausted. My body just could not handle the energy required to complete this week.
The week was good in several ways:
1. No criers!
2. So far it seems I have a bright bunch.
3. The parents are SUPER nice and only want to help their kids.
4. Learning the school procedures wasn't too bad.
5. Every kid got home safe; this was my first time actually doing a dismissal that involves a way to get home other than by car!
6. Parent Orientation didn't kill me!
8. Francine the Frog was found safe and sound. :) (She's our class mascot in stuffed form)
7. Oh, and I turned 25! On the first day of school to boot!
Hopefully it gets better from here on out! Week two involves starting Phonics, the letter L, the word LIKE, starting computer time, pre-assessments.... the list goes on! What a change from Houston Elementary!
Oh, and for those who know me well, Stephen and I found out some awesome news this week too! More on that later though!
Here's to week 2 of 36!!
9 months ago
I'm just gonna say woooohooooooooo!
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