Thank God! I couldn't handle that right now! The doctor put him in an air cast, which was expensive... so don't ever plan on buying one. He is still hobbling around in quite a bit of pain, but he has pain meds. I call his boot the robo-boot. :)
No progress on the floor. He said he would work on them this week, but that did not happen. I'd almost rather him wait til he actually felt that he could do them with minimal pain. I really don't want him messing up his foot more than it already is.
I officially went back to work this week. My last summer child free (hopefully) is over. Kind of depressing, but its a good depressing. I hadn't really been too stressed out about work until yesterday when it hit me that I have two full pages of to-dos on my to-do list. Yeah I was stressed about the furniture, or lack there of, but that all came into place thanks in part to my awesome sister. But now as back to school night approaches, I AM STRESSED!! There is so much I still need to do. So today I will be out and about hopefully making all the purchases I need to make... driving way up to IKEA in Delana's neck of the woods, then over to 290 so that I can hit Target and Teacher Heaven, then over to 35 and Slaughter so that I can go to Hobby Lobby and Target again if the first one doesn't have what I want! Then it'll be off to the school til 7:00, and I need to be productive!! At least thats what I'm telling myself.
9 months ago
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