Well week two of school involved one new child on Tuesday, who I might add is a screaming/crier/spoiled/ (and this is so bad) annoying child. I only hope she changes and one day her mother makes her do things for herself. Week two also added the promise of another new student on Monday that will most likely be my nemisis. Another repeat offender with issues! God knows I love them and want them ALL in my room. Apparently the administration doesn't look at the issues already in a class before they add more. They only look at numbers. But hey, they did make me teacher of the week. The teacher who got it last week was the one who was moved from 1st grade to 5th grade. Looks like if you want Teacher of the Week you have to be shit on.
Thank goodness I have my fantastic sister to vent to almost daily. She listens and doesn't judge and throws in her amazing advice every once in awhile! Dee, expect more phone calls!
Other than that, I am really starting to get attached to most of my kiddos. We are working on sight words, kid writing, letter sounds, and grouping. And they have been so flexible with everything that went down this week.
Two weeks down, 34 to go. Well actually only 30 for me! Ha!
9 months ago
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