Who knew that elastic could be SO amazing! Delana took me shopping this weekend and I found some great new clothes that fit!! Whoo hoo!! I felt amazing today at work not having to squish into my jeans. Thank you so much for going with me Skister. You are amazing in more ways than you will ever know. I am so glad that I got to experience this and all the other fun stuff with your help and guidance! Love you!! :)
Tomorrow marks week 16. Seems longer than that, but then seems like we just found out yesterday! Crazy how it all works. I went to the doctor last Friday for a normal check up and everything is still going great. The doctor said that my weight gain is perfect, which is good because I was afraid I had gained too much. She explained all the aches and pains and of course listened to the heartbeat. It is still in the 150s, which is what it has been all along. I also set the date for our big appointment.... the one where we find out pink or blue!! The big date is December 11 at 3:30. I am very excited and I hope that the time goes quickly!! I can't wait to call this child by its name instead of Jelly Bean or Kit Kat or The Baby!
Oh, one last thing, think pink Thursday!! :)
9 months ago
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