Well my FAVORITE holiday is right around the corner. I have spent the last two weekends cleaning the house. This is really not necessary since it will only be us, skister and her family and clay, but i still feel the need. I must say I love our house when it is really clean. If only we could keep it this way!
Thanksgiving truly is my favorite holiday. There is just something wonderful about spending the day with your closest family and friends and enjoying a nice relaxing delicious meal. Oh and browsing the Black Friday ads of course! This year will be tough to do without my glass of wine though!!
My last day of work is Tuesday and then I will be off until December 1st. Boy will be off Wednesday and Thursday so that will be nice. We rarely get to spend days off together. And what makes it even better is that you can start decorating for Christmas the next day!! Ha!
Tuesday marks 17 weeks for us. Seems like it has flown by, and we are getting so close to finding out pink or blue. A very close friend of mine found out that she is having a girl just last week. I am so happy for her and her family, and it makes me want to know what mine is even more! :)
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!! Gobble gobble!
9 months ago
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