Time for a new update! Weeks 10-12 have been pretty much the same as before... nausea, headache, hungry, tired, repeat. At the end of week 10, I started getting a really bad headache that would not go away. I was taking the 8 tylenol that I am allowed in a day and it wasn't doing anything. I got to week 12 and only knowing that I would be seeing my doctor on the 24th got me through!
We went to the doctor on the 22nd for the first trimester screening for Downs. They take a measurement of the nuchal fold on the baby's neck and they also do a blood test, so yehaw I got stuck AGAIN. Second time of many. One of the main reasons we decided to do the test is so that we would see the baby again! Since I am just a normal pregnancy with no issues (thank god), we don't get to see the baby at every appointment like my sister. I would take my boat over her boat any day though! (Love you Skister and your critter!) It is amazing how much the baby has changed! We could see its little toes and fingers, nose, backbone, throat, and tummy! The tech said that since we could see the nose bone,it was a good sign. Apparently babies with Downs do not have pronounced nose bones. The baby was moving around so much! The tech even made the comment "as soon as it stops moving I can take the measurement". Definitely Stephen's child! Here are the latest pictures of our little candy bar. It is a little bigger than your pinky right now, so we are having a hard time finding a candy to relate it to! The last one is of its face, still a little alien-ish, but you can see the eye sockets and nose bone.
On Friday, I went back to my doctor for a routine checkup. Everything sounded good (heartbeat at 158) and she gave me some meds for the headache. I also got a flu shot which was worse than I thought it would be. The needle itself.... cake, the serum.... painful. My arm still hurts two days later. I got home that night and took one of the pills for the headache and then slept for 16 hours. Woke up, headache gone! Thank goodness! This week we will be entering the second trimester! Hopefully all these fantastic pregnancy symptoms will start to go away!
On the home front, Stephen has almost finished the floors downstairs. I am about two feet away from having a toilet downstairs again and not having to climb upstairs nine times a night to pee! :) On the 15th, Stephen's father came in with a truck load of trees and shrubs for the house. He and Stephen spent the day planting! It's like living in a new place! Here are some pictures of the new plants!The first is a magnolia, then a red bud, then 8 crepe myrtles along the fence, and finally a dogwood. All of these are in the front yard.
The dogwood is small, but
hopefully it will make
These are in the backyard. There is a red oak, a Cleveland pear, and Bradford pear, and eight oleanders. The oleanders are very established and some are blooming! They are going to be beautiful next spring!
Thats all for now. Hopefully this week I can get Stephen to take a new picture of my expanding stomach! Until then.....
9 months ago
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