Here's me at 10 weeks. I think Stephen took like 20 pictures.
This week at work was tough. I was really nauseous every day but Friday. Here's hoping this ends soon! It is neat that I am finally starting to show though! Too bad I just feel fat! Ha! I am really looking forward to seeing my family again so they can see the changes!
Stephen has been really helpful this week though. He really understands that there isn't much he can do to make me feel better, but he tries so hard! Love you Stephen!
We go to the doctor again on October 22nd and the 24th. The 22nd will be the first trimester screening, and the 24th is just a normal appointment. I'm looking forward to the appointment AFTER this one because hopefully at that one we will find out if it is a girl or a boy! I am getting very impatient!
Thats all for now. I'll post a new pic next week.
9 months ago
Awwwww! You're getting a belly! Love ya skister!
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