Things have been going going going lately! Here's a quick recap!
March 13th-21st I was on Spring Break, so Keira was on Spring Break! The daycare has the same schedule as the District I work for, so when I have a holiday so does she. Stephen took off the 15th-19th to hang out with us. It was so nice having him home and being a normal family. He is always so rushed to get home and see Kiwi before she melts down and goes to bed, so it was nice to have him around all day long.
On Monday, we went to Build-a-Bear and made Keira's second stuffed friend. She chose a very colorful bear that we ended up naming Berry.
On Tuesday, we went to Target and got her a push walker/car. She was a little hesitant to walk with it at first, but now she is a pro. She has had her fair share of stumbles and falls, but she really does love it!
The rest of the week we just hung out at the house or ventured out to Kyle or San Marcos. Not much was accomplished around the house, and that is okay! We really enjoyed spending some time with Daddy.
On Friday evening, Kiwi and I went to my Mom and Dad's out in the cornfield. We had plans of driving down to Rockport the following morning to visit with my extended family and see my Papa. Well apparently my stomach had other plans. I ended up getting what now seems like food poisoning and was sick all night. I really didn't think I could make it down to Rockport, so Kiwi and I came home Saturday morning. Keira was a giant fuss all day because her top teeth were starting to break through. FINALLY!! She is now the proud owner of two full teeth and the tiny tips of two top teeth, but I don't think they are friends! After a good night of sleep, I felt 100% better on Sunday. Just in time to go back to work!
We went back to school on the 22nd. Tuesday night Kiwi woke up in the middle of the night coughing. Stephen came and woke me up because she wasn't breathing well. Eventually she fell back asleep in our bed and I took her to daycare the next day. At daycare she was miserable; coughing, not eating, just not herself. So, to the Dr we went. She ended up having croup and got a steroid to help with the swelling of her airways. Little did we know that the steroids would make her crazy!! She spent the next 5 nights waking up at least 4 times. Several nights she came downstairs and partied like a rockstar! But I don't blame the Boy for letting her; what else can you do at 3:00 in the morning when your kid won't sleep?? Now we are battling to get her back on her normal schedule and break the habit of waking in the middle of the night. Joy Joy. She is still coughing and is very snotty, but the cough now sounds like more of a cold cough, so I guess that's good?
This weekend she started pulling up on me and then letting go. She now stands on her own for quite a while! Yeah!! It is amazing how quickly she went from just pulling up to cruising around the furniture. I really think she will be walking in no time! Even her daycare teachers have commented on her great balance! Future flyer I must say! Ha!!
We came home yesterday and I noticed that both her eyes were swollen and gunky. Her left eye started being gunky again in the last few days of Spring Break. I'm hoping it is just allergies. I know that I feel miserable, so she might as well. Well anyway, there was no pleasing the girl last night. We tried to walk, eat snack, drink a bottle, play, take a nap, eat dinner, take a bath..... nothing made her happy- until Daddy got home. Once he walked in the door, she was a happy camper. And then proceeded to stay up until about 9:15. Ugh! Go to bed!! This morning she woke up and was still a little swollen, and very gunky. I am anxious to see how her eyes look when I pick her up from school.
Tomorrow night we have the Annual Easter Egg Hunt for her Daycare. It should be interesting! I am excited about her first Easter and I can't wait to go egg hunting with her! Her and I will be off Friday for Good Friday and then Easter is on Sunday of course. We are planning on a quiet afternoon at home and hunting some eggs with Kiwi. She will love crawling around and finding them!
Well that is about it. I can't believe we are already so close to her first birthday. It honestly feels like the year has just flown by. This time last year Miss Maddycakes was just about to make her arrival and I was about chin deep in Maternity Leave plans. Now look at us! Our teeny tiny girl is almost a toddler! I tell her everyday to not get so big so fast, but I guess she is choosing not to listen!
9 months ago
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