It's hard to believe 2009 has less than 12 hours left. It has been a tough and terrific year all in one. Here's a quick recap for anyone who cares to be re-capped!
January: Began the month at 22 weeks pregnant. We were busy working on things at the house to prepare for Keira's arrival. We had less than 100 days by the end of the month.
February: Boy finished Keira's room, floors, cribs, name. I was busy preparing for Skister's baby shower in March. I had entered the final trimester and felt like a house. Life was beginning to get busy and uncomfortable for me!
March: Lost my Nannie. One of the toughest times for me yet. She was an amazing woman and I miss her still. But I don't think that will ever go away. I had my first of many baby showers and started raking in the loot for our sweet girl!
April: Sweet Miss Madelyn was born on April 2nd; just 20 days early! She was the tiniest thing I held ever held at 6 pounds 7 ounces. Little did I know! Went to what was supposed to be my final ultrasound and found out that Keira was measuring small so I was told to take it easy and come back weekly for biophysical profiles. This made me VERY nervous! I wondered what I had done wrong and feared that something would be wrong with her when she was born. We went back weekly and got to see her (which was nice) move and practice breathing. I had three more baby showers.
May: We welcomed Keira to our family on May 4th, just one day short of her due date. Life hasn't been the same since!! She weighed 5 pounds 15 ounces and was the sweetest little thing in the world. I miss her scrunchy little body and her grunts. (Oh... gruntasaurus and squackamole) The weekend after she was born I celebrated my first Mother's Day. May was tough adjusting to having a baby and all the things that go along with it, but we survived! Boy and I also celebrated our 5 year anniversary on the 22nd.
June: Keira and I started venturing out more and more. I made it up to work a few times to check on my classroom, but Kiwi hated it! We traveled to Canyon Lake to spend some time with my family at the lake house. Boy celebrated his first Father's day. We were trying hard to get Keira to sleep for longer periods of time and ended up trying a few tricks from Skister.
July: Keira started sleeping through the night (thank goodness!) at the beginning of the month. We celebrated the 4th of July by going to watch the city of Kyle's fireworks show. Keira did such a great job and wasn't scared at all. We traveled to my parents house to meet Papa. It was strange not having Nannie there, but it was nice to have him meet her and her meet him. We celebrated Boy's birthday on the 17th. We went for Kiwi's 2 month check-up and first round of shots. She weighed in at 9 pounds 11 ounces and I cried with her as they stuck her 4 times. Poor baby!
August: I enjoyed my last few weeks of being off work and went back on the 16th. Keira started going to Mrs. Karrie's on Mondays, Wednesday's and Friday's. I celebrated my 26th birthday on the 25th and met a new crew of kiddos at work that same week. We had a hard time adjusting to getting Keira to the sitter and arranging child-care each week, but we got through.
September: Keira started getting much more active this month and started to like cereal and bananas. She had her 4 month check-up and weighed 12 pounds 15 ounces. We were told by her doctor that we could start giving her baby food. She liked just about everything we gave her. By the end of the month she was rolling.
October: Keira started daycare this month. It was a much welcome change. We really miss Mrs. Karrie, but the stability each week is worth it. This is the daycare I wanted her in anyway, so it works out for the best. She loves it there. We had her try just about every basic baby food and she loves to eat. She is becoming a pro at sitting in her bumbo and loves to try to sit on her own. We went to the Pumpkin Patch and got some great pictures of her and her cousins. Unfortunately she got sick the next day and found hand-foot-mouth for the next week. We enjoyed our first Halloween together. Keira and Boy were penguins and I was an eskimo. She behaved very well and got lots of awws and how cutes.
November: Kiwi turned 6 months old this month. She weighed in at 14 pounds 2 ounces and got another round of shots. We were told to start trying meats and sippy cups. She is still not a fan of the sippy, but loves all the new baby food. She is working really hard on sitting on her own. She has no want to crawl. She got her first tooth and forgot how to sleep through the night. We celebrated Thanksgiving here at our house. Keira was not a fan of the food, hopefully she is next year!
December: We really soaked in the holidays. We put up our tree at the beginning of the month and Kiwi loved it. I finished up at work and we enjoyed the Motif Christmas Party as a family. There we got the great news that Stephen was getting a promotion to Regional Manager. The following week we met Santa and took some family pictures. We also started breaking Keira back into sleeping through the night and it is working for us; knock on wood. We enjoyed Christmas Eve at our house with my family and then Christmas Day at Boy's Mom's house with his family. Keira rake in the gifts and we now own most of Toys R Us in our living room.
That pretty much sums it up. I am really looking forward to seeing Keira grown and change over the next year. I can't wait to see all the new things she experiences. I hope you all have a wonderful 2010! (wow, writing it is weird...)
9 months ago
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