Things have been crazy since the pumpkin patch. It seems like life has been non-stop in every aspect. Here's the recap!
After the Pumpkin Patch, Keira got sick. After only two days of daycare, she had HandFootMouth. Bleh. She had to leave daycare early that Tuesday and stayed home with Stephen on Wednesday. She was back to school on Thursday, but was very fussy for the next week or so. We could only give her tylenol and had to let the virus run its course. Once it started to ease up, she got a cold. We are still battling it, but it is better.
Daycare is much better now that she is feeling better. They are working on getting her to nap in her bed, but I know that she really doesn't like to. Most days she has great days. She has made some friends and I think she even has her first boyfriend. :)
The week of Halloween was super fun. She had an adorable outfit for each day and helped me gut three pumpkins for Stephen to carve. She loved squishing the insides and really wanted to eat the pumpkin! For Halloween she was a penguin. She and Stephen matched exactly. We got a lot of aw's and how cute's. It was fun. She didn't fuss a bit and let Stephen take her up to every house.
On the 4th she turned 6 months old. I can't believe she is already half a year old. Time has gone by so fast. We went to the doctor this morning for her well-check and immunizations. She weighed in at 14 pounds 2 ounces (25%), 25 1/4 inches (25-50%), and 16 inch head (5%). So she is still tall and skinny. Dr. Lincoln said she is very proportionate so I am not worried. Her left eye is still goopy, so she gave us an antibiotic drop to try for a week. If it doesn't clear up, we will go to an Ophthamologist at 9 months to see about opening her tear duct. She also said that her ears looked a little red, but that may be due to her cold. So we will wait a week and see if she gets fussy or won't eat. She got two immunizations and her flu shot. It still breaks my heart to hear her cry, but it is all worth it. She has spent most of today relaxing.
We got the okay to start adding more foods in to her diet. We will start giving her three meals a day now. The doctor said that she can have pretty much whatever we are eating as long as it is small and smushed up. We went to HEB and bought the meat baby foods, yogurt, and some finger foods. We tried Chicken Noodle Dinner for lunch and she loved it. I am so excited about trying new foods.
Thats about it for now. I have two more weeks of work until Thanksgiving Vacation and then three weeks after that until Christmas. I love this time of year and am excited about sharing everything with Keira!! Here are a few pictures from the last couple weeks.
9 months ago
Great pictures! She sure is a cutie!
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