Well the day has come for Keira to start daycare! On Wednesday, the director at the Buda Daycare emailed me to let me know that there is a spot available for Keira. This is the center that I wanted Keira to go to eventually. My only hesitation was that I wanted her close to me the first year, but she hasn't been in my building with me for the last 2 months and we have survived! Her first day at Buda will be on Thursday. I am really looking forward to a set schedule each week and knowing that she will be well taken care of there. They do so much with the kids there!
We are really going to miss Mrs. Karrie. She has done so much for us over the last 2 months. I have her to thank for Keira doing tummy time and rolling over! :) I'll never be able to thank her enough for helping us out. She really saved us in a time when things were really hard! I'm already a little sad that she will not be with her anymore.
Back at home, Keira has eaten green beans, sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, squash, pears, and bananas. She likes rice cereal and oatmeal. I have been making her baby food and freezing it into cubes. So far I have made peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash. She loves them all! We are starting to use formula as well. I am trying to keep up with pumping, but going back to work has made it really hard to keep up with her. I have to look at it positively though, she has gone over 5 months being exclusively breastfed, and that is great! Thats five months longer than I was! :)
She is doing so much more each and every day. She loves rolling over, laying on her tummy and back, sitting in her bumbo, trying hard to sit on her own, kicking EVERYTHING!, jumping in her jumperoo, and is talking and laughing like crazy. I really am loving this age and I am trying to enjoy every second of it because I know it will be gone before I know it.
Next weekend we are going to the Pumpkin Patch with Aunt Nayna's family, and possibly Mike and Gayle's family as well. I hope that all of us can go together. It would be really nice for all the kids to be together. I need to get her a really cute fall outfit picked out for her pictures with the pumpkins! In November we will take her 6 month pictures and will also take some with Madelyn. I can't believe it is already getting to this time of the year. I am really looking forward to her first Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas! I love this time of year; the cooler weather and fall air makes me happy. Keira seemed to enjoy it today and wore her bunny slippers all day long to keep her feet warm!
Well that's it for now. I hope you are all enjoying the fall weather!
9 months ago
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