On Wednesday Keira went to Dr. Lincoln for her 4 month well-check and immunizations. She did great. It was nice to get through the nurse and Dr without a huge fuss! She did great, showed off all her new tricks and talked up a storm! Her newest stats are..
12 pounds 15 ounces (25%)
24 1/2 inches long (50%)
15 1/2 inch head (5-10%)
So she's still tall and skinny... and we are fine with that! :) After all the fun stuff she got two shots and a drink. Daddy held her this time and she did great. She didn't cry until the second shot, and it was the super sad cry. But she quickly recovered and had a really good nap afterwards. I am really proud of her.
Dr. Lincoln told us that we can start giving her baby food. We have already given her rice and oatmeal cereals and fresh banana. So Wednesday night I went to HEB and got one jar of every basic baby food; green beans, peas, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, applesauce, pears, and bananas. I eventually want to make all her food, but I will buy it until we know for sure what she likes and gets used to the texture and taste.
So Thursday morning we tried green beans and rice cereal. Lets just say she thought it was torture. Be on the look out for a picture post. We tried them again last night for dinner with oatmeal and she did MUCH better. I am looking forward to trying them again tonight! We have to stick with the same food for three days to make sure she doesn't have an allergy, so on either Sunday or Monday we will try another.
That's it for now. I can't believe she is getting so big. It'll be Halloween before you know it and she'll be trick or treating for the first time. Then it'll be Thanksgiving, sitting in her high chair at the table. Then Christmas opening her presents. This goes by way too fast! Someone please tell her to slow down!! :)
9 months ago
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