Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Wow, what a week! After way too many hours at school, I'm so glad to say that my room is ready for Monday. It's not exactly how I want it, and it will probably change, but it will work for now. I did the "Barre" method towards the end and just starting putting things places which I will need to go back and organize through. I met 14 of my then 15 kiddos on Thursday night at Back to School Night. They seem pretty sweet. Friday I got 3 more, one is the brother of a student from last year so at least I know one parent! I have a few moms who are pregnant so I am excited to hype up the "new big brother/sister" in the class. Overall, I'm excited. I am ready to get these babies learning and ready to try new things this year. Last year I was a little distracted and didn't get to do all the things I wanted to, this year will be different! I will probably end up with 20 kids when all the transfers come in. They will come in by the third day of school.

Enough about work!! This is a no work weekend with my sweet girl! She did so good this week with her new schedule. She was supposed to spend the week with Daddy and Grandma, but plans changed a bit Sunday night and she went to Mrs. Karrie on Monday instead. She did great. I did not! I missed her like crazy! Karrie said that she had a great day and she was exhausted by the time we got home! Tuesday and Wednesday she stayed home with Daddy and they both survived! She even took some long naps for him! Yeah for him! Thursday and Friday she went back to Mrs. Karrie's house and had two great days. Karrie is so good with her and Keira seems to really like her. Thursday night my parents came up to watch Keira so that I could go to Back to School Night since Stephen had to work. Thank goodness that they were able to come up. I don't know what I would have done if they couldn't. I really wish they lived closer 'cause I can see needing them a lot with all the evening events that happen at my school. Luckily I can take Keira with me to some of them. It has been tough getting up in the morning and getting myself ready before Keira gets up. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday she slept late enough for me to get ready but Thursday and Friday she was up at 4 and 5. It's going to be tough, but she will get on a new schedule and so will I. Next week Keira will start going to Mrs. Karrie on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Daddy will watch her on either Tuesday or Thursday, whichever he is off, and the other will be up in the air. I'll be calling on some friends to watch her until things get figured out with Grandma. Her circumstances have really thrown a wrench into plans, but luckily I have some great friends that want to watch her!

Today we are just hanging out here at the house. I refuse to go out since it is Tax Free Weekend. $8 is just not worth the craziness! I am loving getting to snuggle with her. Tomorrow Grammie and Papi are coming back up so that I can go to lunch with Sister and go see Wicked. I am so excited for our day together. Tuesday is my 26th birthday and all I want is a nice dinner and a good evening with Keira. No Fussing!! Ha! We'll see what happens!

That's all for now! Keep me and my sweet girl in your thoughts next week. We're gonna need it 'cause it's going to be a long week!!!

First Day With Mrs. Karrie

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Leaving Her

I knew that today would be rough. I've known it since the day she was born. I didn't know it would be this tough. I'll admit, I've been crying off and on for a few days now anticipating our last full day together before I leave her and go back to work. I've tried to spend time away from her this summer so that leaving her wouldn't be so hard, but it is going to be hard. It won't be for a day and then I get her all to myself again. It's back to work everyday. This week, Stephen and his Mom will be taking care of her. Next week she will start going to a lady that lives by my school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and Stephen and Debi will do the Tuesdays and Thursdays. I get the weekends, just me and her. I'm anxious about getting both of us up and ready in the morning, a little scared too. She loves to be held and I'm afraid of getting it all done.

I decided today that I am going to write her a letter. I've been meaning to write it for a while now, but as I get ready to leave her I think it is the perfect time. This will be something that I can give her when she grows up. Something to remind us of how much she means to me. So today, during catnaps, I'm writing. And crying.

I'm gonna miss her huge smiles in the morning, laying in bed just watching each other, her little catnaps, the talking from her bouncer, washing bottles with her in her bumbo, changing her clothes after she spiddles, talking to her to keep her calm while her bottle warms, and SO much more. Most of all I'm gonna miss those moments when its just me and her. Those moments when I just get to hold her and stare into her dark blue eyes and thank God for giving me such a sweet, beautiful girl.

I'm gonna miss my sweet girl.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, August 10, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It's been awhile, but here are a few recent ones...

I did not already spend all of my reimbursable money on school stuff PLUS some.

I did not order school stuff and forget what it was when it came in.

I did not spend just about all day Friday crying because of daycare issues.

I did not let Keira cry it out yesterday just to see what she would do.

I did not tell a lady to get some manners at HEB yesterday. TWICE!! Is it too hard to say excuse me? And better yet to teach your child to say excuse me?

I did not get the CUTEST pacifier link for Kiwi's pacies! It looks like a candy necklace! (pictures to come!)

I did not begin the daily crying last week because my summer is pretty much over.

I did not already start getting nervous about what kind of kiddos I will get this year.

I did not wake up craving cake two days in a row.

I did not boil shrimp outside on the grill last night so that Stephen wouldn't have to smell shrimp in the house. (I'm not that nice to my husband, think he'll start heating up his refried beans outside?)

I did not tell my sweet girl that she may just be the cutest thing in the entire world. I did not I did not I did not!!

Now don't you feel the need to air your dirty laundry.....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

So, I've seen so many people do Wordless Wednesday on their blogs and even Skister is now. I've always loved it and thought it would be a great way to make sure I have pictures on here more often. So I'm gonna try to keep this up every week.

Thanks for the motivation Skister, even though you didn't know you were motivating me!! :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

i'm tired of this

My doctor visit today was kinda pointless. She doesn't really know what is wrong so she referred me to a neurologist. There they will probably do an MRI. I go to see them on the 12th. Just in time to have results right before I go back to work. I didn't even get anything for the pain I am in daily. The vicodin that I was prescribed when the pain started back in May does nothing. Tylenol is useless. I can't take anything else because I am breastfeeding. She couldn't even give me steroids or muscle relaxers to see if inflammation was the cause of the pain. So yeah, pointless.

I'm hoping that it is still just my body reacting to the epidural, but I am scared because the pain has moved up my back and is localized to my spine. I am ready for it to be gone. I am ready to pick up my sweet girl without wincing and be able to walk her up to her room without pain. I'm tired of my body feeling heavy, my legs tingling, back going numb, losing my balance, and not being able to lay of my stomach. Having no pain when I gave birth was nice, but having this pain for three months really stinks.

So just in case you were wondering, still nothing and i'm really tired of this!

Finding Out Whats Wrong

So today at 2:00 I am finally going to the doctor to find out what is wrong with my back. It started when I got my epidural and was pretty much right where the "lovely" doctor put the needle in my back. It hurt all the time for the first month or so, tingling in my legs and arms, numbing in my butt and legs. Now it is also in my upper back. My entire back will go numb. Yesterday Stephen rubbed my back a little right on my spine and it brought tears to my eyes it hurt so bad.

So today I am going to find out whats wrong. Keira is going with me since Stephen is at work and I'm hoping she behaves. Delana also brought up a good point this morning; I'm hoping that they don't send me for x-rays. If they do I'll need to reschedule since Keira can't go in there with me. Fun stuff. I'm also wondering what they can give me for pain since A.) i'm still breastfeeding B.) Vicodin does nothing for me anymore and C.) I can't take anything that would make me drowsy. So we'll see! Wish me and my aching back luck!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fever Day Two

This is what my sweet girl does when she doesn't feel good.

She chews on her paci and holds her burpy tight. Well in between fussing she chews on her paci and holds her burpy tight.

I should have known that she wasn't feeling good when she slept for 10 hours Thursday night. She woke up Friday and ate a full bottle and then threw it all up... twice. After more clothing changes than one could possibly want, for both of us, she fell back asleep for the first of many cat naps. This went on for the majority of the day with a fever going up to 101. Low grade they say for a baby. Still too high for me. I kept her dosed up on baby tylenol to help keep it as low as possible. I put her to bed around 10:30 with hopes that she would be feeling better this morning. She woke up at 5:00 this morning, still not feeling well. Her fever is lower, but still hanging around.

So this is what she does today; she chews her paci and holds her burpy tight.