It has been a while since my last update! Here goes!
At my last Dr. Appointment I found out that my sugar levels are great. My Glucose test came back normal and my iron levels were fine. So I'm still nice and boring! Keira is getting stronger and stronger. Her kicks are starting to feel more like punches and actually hurt at times now. I can tell she is getting bigger because I feel like the belly is heavy! My back has also started to hurt, but I know this is all part of the big picture and is supposed to happen. Just 10 more weeks and it'll all be over! This week will be 30 weeks! Hard to believe it has gone by so fast!
Last week Stephen got the majority of Keira's floor finished and moved in her furniture. I was kinda upset that he put the crib together without me and I have no pictures, but he just wanted to surprise me, so I can't be mad! Here are some pictures of her stuff!
Other than that I am just getting busy on Delana's baby shower. I am very excited, but have so much to do to get the house ready. I tackled cleaning our bedroom, bathroom, and closet from top to bottom earlier today. Now we just need to keep that clean until after the 7th! I can reclean for my shower, but maybe we can keep it clean until after my shower! Maybe, probably not though! Ha! But for mine I will have the whole week off before thanks to Spring Break!! Just three weeks away!!
Well thats if for now. I'm off to finalize cake, flowers, and balloon orders for the shower!! Hope you all had a great week!
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