Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Update on Life!

It has been a while since my last update! Here goes!

At my last Dr. Appointment I found out that my sugar levels are great. My Glucose test came back normal and my iron levels were fine. So I'm still nice and boring! Keira is getting stronger and stronger. Her kicks are starting to feel more like punches and actually hurt at times now. I can tell she is getting bigger because I feel like the belly is heavy! My back has also started to hurt, but I know this is all part of the big picture and is supposed to happen. Just 10 more weeks and it'll all be over! This week will be 30 weeks! Hard to believe it has gone by so fast!

Last week Stephen got the majority of Keira's floor finished and moved in her furniture. I was kinda upset that he put the crib together without me and I have no pictures, but he just wanted to surprise me, so I can't be mad! Here are some pictures of her stuff!

The floor!

Her double dresser. We will put her changing pad here and hang shelves above the dresser.

Her tall dresser and crib. There will be shelves hung in the corner and above the dresser.

Her crib!! Her name will go above the crib.

The view as you walk in. We still need to find a rug and hang the curtains. Oh and get rid of that old tv of course!

This week Stephen finally repainted my master bathroom too! For those of you who know me well, you know that my bathroom has been a LOVELY shade of orange for almost a year now. I hated it. Well I came home Tuesday to find my boy repainting it a very nice dark tan. Yeah!! Now we just need to finish the ceiling touch-ups and hang the wall vases.

Other than that I am just getting busy on Delana's baby shower. I am very excited, but have so much to do to get the house ready. I tackled cleaning our bedroom, bathroom, and closet from top to bottom earlier today. Now we just need to keep that clean until after the 7th! I can reclean for my shower, but maybe we can keep it clean until after my shower! Maybe, probably not though! Ha! But for mine I will have the whole week off before thanks to Spring Break!! Just three weeks away!!

Well thats if for now. I'm off to finalize cake, flowers, and balloon orders for the shower!! Hope you all had a great week!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My boy does the best job!

My boy does the best job choosing flowers for me! He never disappoints that is for sure. Here is a picture of this years Valentine's arrangement. Of course, red roses and white daisies... just like my wedding bouquet. Sweet right?Our plans for tonight include a nice dinner here at the house. Steak, twice backed potatoes, and chocolate covered strawberries (sugar free chocolate of course). It'll be our last Valentine's Day just the two of us. Sad, but exciting all at the same time. Hope you all have a great day!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Nathan!!

Today my awesome nephew Nathan turned 3! I can't believe how big he has gotten, and at how fast the years have gone by. Boy boy, I love you bunches! Happy Birthday!

Monday, February 9, 2009

The View From Above

This is what it would look like if we only had tiny toes instead of feet. Just in case you were curious.
Now I'm just waiting for those tiny toes to disappear! It's gonna be a sad day!

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

So I missed last week! I'm sure I can come up with NUMEROUS things I did not do in the past two weeks right???

Last night I did not make a Red Velvet cake to eat and enjoy all by myself since my husband is on a diet. I did not feel guilty for making it and then forcing him to endure the smell of it all night. :( Oh well, I am pregnant right? And he actually picked out the mix while he was off the diet last week and then never made it.

I did not securely tape shut a package being sent UPS with blue painters tape because I was too lazy and cheap to go buy packing tape. If they have a problem with it they will let me know right??

I did not eat chips for breakfast one morning this weekend. I did not I did not I did not. (I so did!)

I did not stress myself out by making a to-do list of all the things that still need to be done in Keira's room. Lists usually make the OCD in me better, apparently not when your list is more than a page long. The freaking out has begun. It doesn't seem to be getting better anytime soon. Hyperventilating will start soon. Anyone have a paper bag I can borrow?

I did not drive to Hobby Lobby this weekend only to look around. I guess that's better than going there and spending money on un-needed stuff right???

I did not almost kill my husband as he made the first "waddling" comment. I did not want to chop his big toes off so that he waddles too. Then I did not feel like crap because I looked like I was waddling in Wal-Mart. Of all the stores to waddle in right?? It HAS to be the ghetto-ist of them all. I guess I just fit right in.

I did not seriously think of turning my downstairs bathroom into a closet since it has not had a working toilet in it since August. We are SO close to having it working, but we still have a little leak. Hopefully with the advice of my fantastic B-I-L we can get it working.

I did not get cranky Sunday morning because I didn't get to sleep late. Sunday's are usually the only day that I wake up before the alarm clock since Stephen doesn't have to be at work until 11:30. Every other day I have an alarm, even Saturdays (the alarm is for boy, but I wake up since it is on my side of the bed). I did not get even crankier because I know my days of sleeping late are almost over. I did not secretly pray that Keira is a late sleeper.

Lastly, and a positive one, I did not get GIDDY last night when Stephen felt Keira's hiccups for the first time. He just kept his hand on her for the longest time! I did not ABSOLUTELY love that they lasted forever but finally stopped after he "told" her to just stop hiccuping. Too cute right??

Well that's all for now. Hope you all have a great week!

Friday, February 6, 2009

27 Weeks

27 Weeks Picture as promised. Told you I look like a house. :)

This is what the beginning of the third trimester looks like and I am scared to see what the end will look like!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Update on Life

My goodness its been awhile! Needless to say, not a whole lot has happened. But because I feel the need, here's an update on Life and the Redburn's since January 27th.

Unfortunately crossing fingers doesn't work in the flooring department. Stephen got nothing more accomplished on Keira's floor. Maybe today?? Here's hoping.

Friday I had my last 4 week apart appointment with Dr. Hooi. While I was there I had the priviledge of drinking the nasty orange drink that I have heard SO much about since becoming pregnant to test for gestational diabetes. Delana was completely right, it tastes like flat Sunkist. So I drank and then sat for an hour so that the vampire could draw my blood. At least he is gentle and the bruises don't last long. I am still waiting to hear from them on the results, but I am positive that all things are normal. Thay have been the whole way through, why on Earth would that change now??? As for Keira, her heartbeat sounds great and Dr. Hooi says that I am measureing right on. I wish we could see her so that they could actually measure her to see how she is growing. Everytime they have done an ultrasound she has been a little behind. So curiosity has the better of me.

Last weekend I spent the majority of Saturday cleaning house. I am trying to keep up with it so that when March rolls around and there are two baby showers at my house I am not stressed out about how messy it is. Sunday boy took the day off and we vegged out on not-so-good-for-you-foods and watched the Super Bowl. I didn't really care who won, I was more in it for the commercials.

This week so far has been pretty typical. Tuesday marked week 27 and the beginning of the third trimester, picture to come I promise. Not much different excpet that I feel like a house and I can almost not see my toes anymore. Its gonna be tough to repaint them this weekend! As for boy, he did work on making my downstairs bathroom useable again yesterday. The toilet is installed, but we are caulking it really good to try and solve the uneven problem. Maybe by the weekend there will be water in it and I won't have to trek upstairs 20 times a day! I'd say keep your fingers crossed, but we all know that doesn't work!

Well thats all for now. I promise to put a new picture up to show exactly how much of a house I resemble. Hope you all have a great rest of the week!!