So the pictures/posts are out of order. I'm just a little disorganized these days!! Here are a few Christmas pictures. I am 21 Weeks 1 day in the pictures. Enjoy!
Our Christmas Tree. She was very pretty!
Our HILARIOUS nephew Nathan. He is too cute. He was our Santa. He passed out all the presents at Mom and Dads. Everytime he got another one he was so excited. "Another one for me? Thank you!"
Peanut begging Uncle Kevin for food. This may have been the first time she has ever gotten in his lap. She is 4 1/2! Not really a people person; just like her mom.
Our family picture. It only took two tries to get both dogs looking! Next year might be harder with Keira too!
Me and my favorite boy!
9 months ago
You look GREAT, mama! Over half way there, looking forward to meeting Keira! :) Best wishes for a healthy second half of your will really start to fly by now!
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