Well Christmas has come and gone. All the preparations for two days of fun. It always makes me a little sad when its over, but next year will be the best one yet. So I guess that's something to look forward to!
Tuesday night we shared our stockings here at the house. Boy gave me an amazing lotion/face cleaner set. We're talking GOOD stuff! I got him a cute I Love My Daddy bib from Keira, some hand lotion ('cause he really needs it in the winter), some face stuff, and an itunes gift card that he couldn't open until after he opened his other gifts. The dogs got new blankets and a pair of socks ( they think fuzzy socks are toys).
Wednesday, Christmas Eve, we drove down to my parents house in the middle of nowhere. We enjoyed the day with my family and went over to my Nannie and Papa's for a little while in the afternoon. We shared our news with my grandparents and my Nannie was VERY excited. I think she has been praying for this moment for a while. Afterwards, we went back to my parents and enjoyed the usual Christmas Eve smorgasborg and then opened gifts. Santa was good to me this year (as usual). Here's a rundown of my gifts opened on the 24th... a Cricut machine (whoo hoo), new jammies and slippers, my first mommy willowtree, target gift card, and a cute picture frame for Keira's room. Santa gave Stephen an ipod, a Nike+ chip to run with, a pair of Nike + shoes, a wii accessory kit, target gift card, and an xbox game. He has been wanting to get back into running, so hopefully his new gear will help him accomplish that!
Thursday, Christmas Day, we drove to Canyon Lake and spent the day with his mom, Patrick, Steph, and her friend Sev. Unfortunately his dad couldn't join us, but next year he will!! :) We hung out, had some laughs about Debi's road rage, watched the deer, and had a great Christmas Lunch with all the trimmings. Afterwards we shared gifts and Santa was good again! The best gifts were those for Keira. I really enjoy opening things for her!! Debi and Patrick got her some really cute clothes, bibs, socks, hats, and shoes. They also got her a pink bath tub! Whoo hoo! We were also given a digital picture frame, I got a really pretty necklace, and Stephen got several other things. Debi and Patrick also let us know that they are going to be getting us Keira's travel system which includes the car seat and stroller! Yeah! Now we just need to pick between the two we have picked out. I can't wait to get it! It is awesome that all her stuff is already coming together!
All in all, Christmas was great. I am really looking forward to next Christmas where Keira and Sissy Lemley will be the stars of the show back home and Keira will be at Debi's. I can't wait to put her in her Christmas dress!! I'm sure Stephen is cringing at the thought! :) Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!
9 months ago
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