Did I mention that I LOVE summer vacation?? What is better than being paid to sleep in and working around the house? I have officially been on vacation since the 5th! Whoo Hoo!!
It was good and sad to leave J. Houston this year. This was my last year as a teacher there. Thanks to an amazing colleague and previous professor, I finally got my foot into Hays CISD! Next year I will be the newest Kindergarten teacher at Elm Grove Elementary. It is a fantastic school with awesome scores. And to boot, there's a day care in the school that our kids will be able to go to. I am so excited about this new adventure; and I don't think Stephen realizes what we've gotten into. This school will be so much different than Houston was. Parental involvement, school programs, functions, etc. It will be a lot more demanding, but its what I've always wanted.
So for the last 2 weeks I have been sorting and packing up all of my school stuff and to my surprise I have collected an enormous amount of stuff!! Our garage is full and Stephen is beyond irritated by the "smell of my classroom". But the other Kinder teachers let me know that the Kinder wing is the first to be cleaned and re-opened, so hopefully my stuff will only be invading for a month or so. Needless to say I am EXCITED!!!
Coming up for us....
June 20-27 Mom and Dad at the Lake House
June 27 Astros v. Red Sox in Houston
July 13-19 Las Vegas Vacation!!!
July 17 Stephen's 27th B-day (Woo Hoo we'll be in Vegas!)
Thats all for now... laundry is calling!!
9 months ago
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