Ah, the lake. This is mom and dads week to be at the condo, so I went up there Saturday morning to hang out. I love being there. We've been going as a family to the same condo, the same week just about every year for over 20 years now. Once I got there, it felt like I was completely relaxed. It just felt like all these memories flooded back, and it hit me! Just about all of my really early childhood memories are from that place! Wow.
Well I got there Saturday morning and it was Mom and Dad, Delana, Aaron, and Nathan. We hung out and played Wii. Nathan took a nap and we played dominoes. We eventually went to the pool and let Nathan run wild. After boyboy went to sleep the five of us stayed up late turning Mexican Train Dominoes into a drinking game. It was fantastic! Sunday we did just about the same thing, but were joined by Kevin around 4:00.
I left around 6:45 so that I could get home to my boy who had the house to himself. I was sad to leave my family; I feel like I don't see them enough. Stephen and I will be going back later in the week.
To my family.... love you bunches. Can't wait til next year.
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Lake
Friday, June 20, 2008
Things Hapening Recently
Time for another update!
Miller has taken his last dose of pain meds. He is doing SO much better. He is still a little cautious about umping on the bed, but all in all almost bak to our good old Miller.
Stephen's dad came up yesterday and we floated to San Marcos River. Happy to report that neither Stephen or I got sunburned. It was a very relaxing afternoon. Afterwards we all came back to our house and grilled some steaks. David stayed the night and left to go back to Katy this morning.
My family will be at their lake condo this week. My parents, sister, brother in law, and nephew will be going there tonight through Monday. I will most likely go there tomorrow and spend the night. My brother and his friend will be going there Sunday through Wednesday. I have huge plans of playing dominoes and drinking "sippies" with my sister! Oh and play their new Wii!! Whoo hoo!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Miller Update and New Tile and a Haircut
He survived yesterday. He slept pretty much the entire afternoon end evening. We all fell asleep on the couch around 10:15-ish after the Astros game was over. (They lost for those wondering, 2-1) Stephen got home around 2:45 and were able to let the dos eat a little of Peanut's birthday cake. They loved it! Then Miller was dosed up with another round of pain meds. My non-thinking husband allowed Miller to go upstairs on his own and jump into the bed. Good that he could actually do those things, but he really shouldn't be until he's feeling MUCH better. She slept really well throughout the night, but I can tell he is still really hurting this morning. I think I will be splitting up his pain meds so that he is pain free all day. I'll give him one around noon and the other probably around 8 tonight. He gets them twice a day, so that should help a bit. Right now he is laying on his big pillow on the couch with a heating pad on his back! Poor Pills! Peanut has been a great little sister, she has been cuddling with him and giving him his space when he needs it.
Forgot to mention in my last post that we got tile at Lowe's yesterday morning. It was on sale and we liked the color. So we got enough to tile the master bathroom, guest bathroom, and laundry room. I'm sure we will be borrowing David's tile saw. Hopefully this project will be done by the end of the summer. Stephen has tiled before and maybe we can have David come up and help make it go faster. He re-tiled his living/dining/hallway and it looks great. This will be the first major re-do to the house and a big step towards new floors downstairs. We have been looking at hardwoods, but haven't found the dark color we want yet for a reasonable price. The search continues.
And a haircut. Boy always said that I never cut it short like I wanted to, so I surprised him. I made a secret appointment after I went to the doctor last wednesday and chopped it off! It's short, chin length and choppy. Really cute. I'll post a picture when its straightened!
Friday, June 13, 2008
what a crappy day!
a day that should have been so much fun... ends up being crap. well for everyone but stephen. maybe i'm still a little irritated!
today is peanut's 4th birthday. we had big plans for waking up early, taking the dogs on a lowes trip, going to petsmart so peas could pick out her birthday toy and then going to 5 mile dam so the dogs could play in the water. then we'd come home, have some dog birthday cake and the dogs would nap. we would go to houston to see the astros/yankees game... first time ever that they've played each other. and take a slice of b-day cake to BayBay.
well things went well til petsmart where miller the idiot dog apparently screwed up his back jumping into the envoy. we get home ans he is yelping every time you touch him, can't jump onto the couch, walk up the stairs, or squat to do his business. after 20 or so yelps, i give up and make a vet appointment only to find out that the only time available would be at 2:00; an hour after we needed to leave to go to houston. so, being the wife of a man who has an astros tattoo, i knew i needed to step up and tell him to go to the game without me. i'd take miller to the vet.
all the while.... peanut is having the shittiest birthday ever.
so i take mills to the vet and of course they are packed; like 12 other dogs. the wait isn't very long, but poor mills can't sit on the hard floor so he stands... yelping. they think he just pulled something in his back and sent me home with two types of pain meds for him. poor guy. very frustrating for me having to deal with him and other dogs, but we made it through.
so we head home only to have to stop and sell a kidney, AKA buy gas, and then get stuck on I35 because they are putting up a new sign!! stopped i tell you, 0 mph. we make it home and i dosed up mills with peanut butter/pain pills. and he is still sleeping them off 4 hours later. yes he's alive i've checked.
all the while peanuts birthday still sucks.
i feel terrible for her, but i promised her cake when daddy gets home. at 2:30 in the morning. it won't even be her birthday anymore.
hope he enjoys the game. oh, and he owes me... BIG TIME.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
An Update...
Did I mention that I LOVE summer vacation?? What is better than being paid to sleep in and working around the house? I have officially been on vacation since the 5th! Whoo Hoo!!
It was good and sad to leave J. Houston this year. This was my last year as a teacher there. Thanks to an amazing colleague and previous professor, I finally got my foot into Hays CISD! Next year I will be the newest Kindergarten teacher at Elm Grove Elementary. It is a fantastic school with awesome scores. And to boot, there's a day care in the school that our kids will be able to go to. I am so excited about this new adventure; and I don't think Stephen realizes what we've gotten into. This school will be so much different than Houston was. Parental involvement, school programs, functions, etc. It will be a lot more demanding, but its what I've always wanted.
So for the last 2 weeks I have been sorting and packing up all of my school stuff and to my surprise I have collected an enormous amount of stuff!! Our garage is full and Stephen is beyond irritated by the "smell of my classroom". But the other Kinder teachers let me know that the Kinder wing is the first to be cleaned and re-opened, so hopefully my stuff will only be invading for a month or so. Needless to say I am EXCITED!!!
Coming up for us....
June 20-27 Mom and Dad at the Lake House
June 27 Astros v. Red Sox in Houston
July 13-19 Las Vegas Vacation!!!
July 17 Stephen's 27th B-day (Woo Hoo we'll be in Vegas!)
Thats all for now... laundry is calling!!